The lost vikings 2 vs lost vikings
The lost vikings 2 vs lost vikings

the lost vikings 2 vs lost vikings

It all feels very “see this thing, use this Viking”. The new powers on the Vikings are nice, though, even though they all feel so much more specific in their use than the old ones did. Not that their attacks aren’t useful, it just would have been nice to see something a little more innovative. They can both jump, for one thing, and instead of having some new power, they just attack. The new moves and the new characters are nice, but something about them feels a little lacking in creativity.

the lost vikings 2 vs lost vikings

Scorch can fly upwards, although he gets tired quickly, and he can glide down from high places safely. Unlike Erik, he can perform a very Mega Man X-esque wall jump. Fang can attack at short range with his claws, and he has Erik’s jump. You’ll never have more than three characters in your party at the time, but in each level, you may have some of your characters swapped out, or end up having less than three. The other major addition are two new characters, Fang the Werewolf and Scorch the Dragon. There’s a few new level gimmicks involved as well, like ropes your characters can climb hand over hand across or pull themselves up onto. Sadly, however, there are more levels made out of candy. You go from Transylvania, to a pirate ship, eventually ending the game in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where you get into another fight with Tomator. Much like the original game, there’s five different worlds, each split into a number of levels. Olaf can shrink himself to fit through tiny passages, and, well, to put it bluntly, fart to give himself a boost while gliding and to bust blocks below him. To make the homage complete, he can even swing across gaps, although only from certain swing points, sadly. Baleog traded in his bow and arrow for a bionic arm, which he can use to hit enemies and pick up things from long range. He can also swim underwater, which is especially useful since the other Vikings still can’t. Erik can double jump to reach high places and smash blocks above him. All the Vikings have new gear, and with it, new moves to go along with all their old ones.

The lost vikings 2 vs lost vikings